Fair Value in a Consumer Duty world
February 25 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Sue Mallender and Michael Sicsic from Sicsic Advisory will be exploring one of the most pressing regulatory topics for our members: Fair Value in a Consumer Duty world.
Using their extensive experience from the many implementation projects and assurance reviews they have conducted across the insurance, protection and consumer investments sectors, they will share some key themes and practical examples of challenges and how to overcome them. They will look at the mindshift that the Consumer Duty brings, from rules to principles, and the importance of proportionality.
Sue Mallender
Pricing and Fair Value Practice Lead
Sicsic Advisory
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-mallender-64980727
Sue is a senior consultant with over 25 years’ professional experience across the financial services industry, gained in Big 4 and specialist consultancies, along with practical industry experience across insurance, consumer investments, mortgage and consumer credit sectors.
Sue is leading Sicsic Advisory’s offering on pricing practices and fair value and has assisted a range of firms across the insurance distribution chain in the design and implementation of pricing strategies and associated governance frameworks that meet regulatory and commercial objectives. She has gained a depth and breadth of experience of good industry practice across the general insurance sector in meeting the FCA’s pricing and product governance rules and is currently using this to apply with firms across the wider financial services industry in their application of the Consumer Duty.
Michael Sicsic
Managing Partner
Sicsic Advisory
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelsicsic/
Michael is a senior executive in the field of risk and regulation in the financial services sector, with a strong focus on insurance. He has a deep understanding of business models in the insurance sector and its related risks.
He founded Sicsic Advisory, a strategic regulatory and risk consultancy in 2019. Sicsic Advisory is now an established consultancy with 25+ senior consultants operating across the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar.
Michael is the former head of supervision of the retail general insurance sector at the Financial Conduct Authority. Formerly, he spent five years at Aviva as Global Operational Risk Director covering Life Insurance, Asset Management and Non-Life insurance. Previously, he worked over 10 years at GE Capital in senior risk and finance positions across commercial and corporate finance activities.