Nick Warr


I previously served as a member of the AFM Board over the period of 2022/23, whilst Finance Director at Foresters Friendly Society, but resigned my position following my move to LV= in July 2023. As LV= recently joined the AFM, David Hynam, CEO, is happy for me to be able to continue my role at the AFM. As such, I am very glad to put myself forwards, to continue assisting the AFM.

I put myself forwards for consideration as an AFM Board position so I can work more closely with other financial mutuals, to improve the awareness and success of the mutual sector, as well as improving customer outcomes by driving change by modernising the industry. Whilst my background is technical in nature, I strive in my day-to-day career to leverage my technical understanding in order to provide insight and help achieve strategic goals.

I have worked and trained as an Actuary in the insurance industry for nearly 20 years, working for consultancies and in industry. My experience covers medium to large insurers, from Foresters to LV= to Prudential, working in numerous areas such as Solvency II implementation, financial reporting and investments. I have held Chief Actuary, Director and Pension Scheme Trustee roles during my career.

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