Climate Change Roundtable

Lead by Nordea, this session will focus on the SDR Regulation and its impact on AFM Members

AFM Board

Benenden Health Holgate Park Drive, York

Commencing at 2pm, the January meeting will be followed by a strategic discussion over an early dinner.

New-CEOs networking dinner

Members Bar City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London, United Kingdom

A networking dinner for new and relatively-new CEOs of AFM Member organisations, jointly hosted by AFM and Nordea.

IT roundtable


Discussion topics: Cyber resilience Horizon Risks

Tax and Regulatory Update, with BDO


The Spring Budget is due to be delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on 15 March. On Thursday 23 March at […]

AFM Associates’ roundtable


We regularly say that our Associates are critical to the success of AFM, and we appreciate all the support they have given again […]

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