Consultation 2016
Consultation 2016
- AFM response to FRC on changes to PN20
- AFM response to Treasury Select Committee on inquiry into EU insurance regulation
- AFM response to FCA on Mutual Deferred Shares
- AFM response to Treasury on Mutual Deferred Shares (September 2016)
- AFM response to FCA on changes to disclosure resulting from PRIIPs
- AFM response to PRA on external audit of Solvency 2 public reporting (July 2016)
- AFM response to IAIS on the Regulation and Supervision of Mutuals
- AFM response to HMRC on part surrenders and part assignments of life insurance policies
- AFM response to PRA on CP18/16, reporting requirements for non-directives
- AFM response to call for evidence from the Commission on Dormant Accounts
- AFM response to PRA on CP13/16, Solvency 2: remuneration requirements
- AFM response to FCA on TR16/2, fair treatment of longstanding customers
- AFM response to PRA on CP10/16, PRA fees and levies
- AFM response to FCA on increasing transparency and engagement on renewal of general insurance
- AFM response to PRA on external audit of public disclosures under Solvency 2
- AFM response to HMRC on large businesses transparency strategy