Mike Rogers, CEO of LV= is next chairman of the Association of Financial Mutuals
Mike Rogers, CEO of LV= is next chairman of the Association of Financial MutualsAFM adopts good corporate governance, by appointing its board of directors on an annual basis. At its meeting on 8 July, the outgoing AFM Board approved the appointment of the incoming Board. As Mark Goodale, CEO of Reliance Mutual had served the maximum term of three years as chair that is permitted by our constitution, he duly stood down and the Board appointed Mike Rogers, Group Chief Executive of LV= as his successor.
On his appointment, Mike Rogers said: “As Chief Executive of one of the UK’s largest mutuals I am pleased to be able to take an active role in how we can best shape our industry to ensure we are well placed for the future. I believe that our mutual status gives us the ability to truly act in our members' and customers' best interests. The mutual model is not an old-fashioned one, in fact it is very modern and relevant to today’s economic environment and key to the success of the overall financial services sector. I look forward to being able to use my knowledge and skills to support the work of the AFM in the chairman role.”