Mutually Yours, December 2017
This edition features:
- 2017 in perspective
- Changing Corporate Governance Expectations
- Member Updates
- Newest AFM Associate Member
- Taking Control of Your Data
- Events and Training
This edition features:
New research commissioned by AFM, and delivered by OAC, assesses AFM members save society over £400 million a year. Insurance Premium Tax threatens the savings cash plans provide to the NHS, and the report explores how an exemption could increase savings to NHS by more than the reduction in tax collected.
For more details, click here.
During the recent AFM Conference, we launched a new report, produced in association with sister trade body ICMIF, which shows that mutuals have grown premium income by 66% since 2007, whilst the UK insurance sector as a whole has seen premiums shrink.
For the full report, click here
The latest newsletter of the Association of Financial Mutuals includes:
Click here to read Mutually Yours
Another exhilerating conference has finished. We will be providing a full report in our next edition of Mutually Yours; in the meantime, slides from the event, and photos can be downloaded from the AFM website.
Each year we report on the standards of corporate governance within our sector. The latest report is now available on our website, along with other governance reports and our code.
To view the report, click here.
Click here to read Mutually Yours. This month's articles include:
AFM has released a new report, commissioned from Independent Audit, to assess culture in the board of mutuals. The report shows a high level of confidence that board culture has a positive impact on decision-making for the benefit of customers and staff in mutual organisations.
This edition of our newsletter includes the following items:
The Insurance Distribution Directive makes significant changes to the way insurers provide information to customers about products. FCA is issuing two consultations on this in 2017: our response to the first one can be downloaded here.
AFM Mutually Yours, April 2017 out now with all the latest on financial mutuals
This month’s Mutually Yours includes articles on:
For AFM member news, click here.
AFM responds to EIOPA on complex insurance-based investment products
AFM has issued its response to European insurance regulator EIOPA on its consultation on complex insurance-based investment products. We welcome the pragmatic approach taken, but recognise there is still scope for home regulators, including FCA, to take a less helpful approach. We are concerned this would affect thousands of consumers who purchase products from financial mutuals.
For our full response, follow this link.